Bloomberg Reports Ripple Plans to Conduct 80% of Its Hiring Outside the U.S. This Year

Bloomberg Reports Ripple Plans to Conduct 80% of Its Hiring Outside the U.S. This Year

Brad Garlinghouse stated that the company will explore employment opportunities in jurisdictions with clear regulatory guidelines.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse confidently announced that the company will be conducting 80% of its hiring outside the United States this year, specifically in regions where regulatory clarity prevails.

Garlinghouse highlighted the positive environments in countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, the U.K., and Dubai, where governments are actively collaborating with the industry and providing clear guidelines, resulting in remarkable growth.

He emphasized that Ripple's strategic decision to focus on these regions is driven by this favorable regulatory landscape: "That's precisely why Ripple is allocating 80% of our hiring efforts to locations outside of the United States."

While Ripple has been engaged in a legal battle with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), there have been significant developments along the way. Notably, a U.S. judge ruled in July that the sale of Ripple's XRP tokens, both on exchanges and through algorithms, did not constitute investment contracts, marking a partial victory for Ripple. Nevertheless, the SEC has persisted in its efforts to appeal this decision.

Garlinghouse expressed his perspective on the matter, stating, "The SEC seems to thrive on creating confusion, equating it with power. The more confusion they generate, the more powerful they believe themselves to be, and they continue to file lawsuits accordingly."

It is worth noting that the SEC has not limited its legal actions to Ripple alone; this year, it has also initiated lawsuits against major cryptocurrency exchanges, Coinbase and Binance.